Account Contact Permission Roles

Customers are able to granularly select permissions for each contact on their accounts by using our portal. Instructions on how to create a new account contact and configure their granular permissions, can be found in this knowledgebase article.

An account contact can also be added by requesting that an individual be added to your account by emailing our accounting or support teams and request that the new contact be added to your account.  When an account contact is added in this manner, we have created some standard roles that an account contact can be delegated to ease the process of ensuring proper permissions are assigned to the new contact by our staff.  We recognize 4 general roles for account contacts in our system.

1.  Account owner - This is the individual ultimately responsible for the account and has full authority on the account and is the only contact that is able to cancel services.

2.  Billing only - A contact with this permission will be able to see invoices, update credit card details (for credit card payments), receive monthly invoices and other billing notices. They WILL NOT have access to support and the ability to open support tickets.

3.  Support Only - A contact with this permission will be able to see support tickets, open tickets, receive login details for your services, but WILL NOT receive any billing related information or be able to access billing information in our portal.

4.  Account Administrator - A contact with this permission will have all the privileges of a billing contact and support contact AND the ability to authorize additional contacts for access to your account.  An account administrator will essentially have the ability to anything on the account that the account owner would with the exception of the ability to order new services and/or cancel existing services.

You can also specify a contact for the billing AND support roles so that they can access both billing functions and support functions but are not able to perform the additional functions on the account of an account administrator.

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